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                Beijing People is Electrical Appliance Factory Co., Ltd. won the four awards of the 5th Aviation Award

                Shanghai·April 26, 2021, the fifth "Avion Award" awards ceremony for the low-voltage electrical appliance industry & renewable energy field came to a successful conclusion. The "Avview Award" is the first cooperative selection activity between the low-voltage electrical appliance industry and the renewable energy power generation system industry. , Is the biennial "Oscar" event of the two industries.

                After being reviewed by an authoritative expert panel composed of hundreds of well-known experts in the upstream and downstream industries of low-voltage electrical appliances and new energy, the fifth "Aviation Award" was awarded to Beijing People's Electrical Appliance Factory Co., Ltd. with four major awards:

                The most innovative and dynamic enterprise in China's low-voltage electrical industry
                China's low-voltage electrical industry preferred circuit breaker
                The best supplier of low-voltage electrical appliances in China's renewable energy power generation system industry
                Outstanding Young Entrepreneur in China's Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus Industry



                ↑Mr. Nan Tian, the general manager, won the title of "Outstanding Young Entrepreneur in China's Low-voltage Electrical Apparatus Industry"


                ↑The awarding scene of "The Most Innovative and Vigorous Enterprise in China's Low-Voltage Electrical Apparatus Industry"


                ↑The awarding scene of "Selected Circuit Breakers in China's Low-Voltage Electrical


                ↑"Best supplier of low-voltage electrical appliances in China's renewable energy power generation system industry" awards scene

                The company has always put innovative ideas throughout all levels of technology and services, and carefully crafted each product and solution. This award once again demonstrates the influence of Beijing People’s Electrical Appliance Factory Co., Ltd. in the low-voltage electrical appliance industry and renewable energy power generation system industry, demonstrates its important position in the domestic market in the field of low-voltage electrical appliances, and fully demonstrates technological progress, development innovation and corporate management And other aspects of comprehensive competitiveness.

                Beijing People's Electrical Appliance Factory Co., Ltd. adheres to the value orientation of "exceeding customer value needs", develops high and new technology with independent intellectual property rights, and transforms and applies independent innovation and proprietary technology. Continue to give play to the advantages of "high-performance products, excellent quality, and considerate service", and devote itself to the strategic plan of building a "global special electrical research and development base", so as to continue to establish our company's important position in the domestic market of the same industry.